Salute to Charli also! Living in Ireland and the UK within a society where everyone accepts this as a cultural norm and can often take offense or think you are weird if you decline, the thought of drinking or smelling a cup of tea or being splashed with tea or having to mop up spilled tea is my unusual and for me terrifying phobia. Phallophobia Fear of a penis, esp erect. For instance, did you know there's staurophobia (fear of crosses), chionophobia (fear of snow), dishabiliophobia (fear of undressing in front of someone), gnosiophobia (fear of knowledge), or even lutraphobia (fear of otters)? All phobia names have a Greek or Latin origin based off of words that match the subject matter. This all happed today with the stain on the wall and a part of the wall breaking.I decided to wash myself but never did because i went to my sister and asked her why this was happening and I explained to her my eyes were bursting with tears and I suddenly couldnt breathe easily because it felt like my throat was clogged and i was struggling to say the words I wanted to to so i told her to come to my room. Autodysomophobia Fear of one that has a vile odor. When I subscribe to a famous person's YouTube channel or follow them on Instagram, I'm terrified they're going to private message me and ask me to hang out or something. Someone with agoraphobia is afraid of being trapped in a public place or a place like a bridge or a line at the bank. Phoba names are just words and they are often misapplied. Ailurophobia is known to have affected many well-known personalities including some of the most famous names of history Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mussolini and Alexander The Great. As if your actions are not of your own doing and are done by malicious forces, That may not be a phobia. Jonathon, without further info, I am not going to assume to know how your mind is processing these things. Is this a phobia, fear of being unable to experience touch? Sounds like youre and INFJ personality type. I am a female. what is this called? Taphephobia or Taphophobia Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries. As scary and real as this may seem to you, these types of fears can be released. Look up the Greek word for coat sleeve and put phobia on the end of it and you would have an official name, Is there a fear of someone being able to hear your thoughts, If someone has the fear, then it exists. I can imagine it being frightening not knowing what's beneath you. Theatrophobia Fear of theatres. I am not going to label these physical reactions, nor are there easy suggestions to make for all you experience. However not all fears are phobias. Check these out! Names help in billing clients, working with insurance companies and writing papers, they seldom help in getting people to release them. Trying to battle these thoughts or fears by force or anyother method may work for a while, but eventually you will have to try something different. Find a reputable therapist who deals in fears. Tachophobia Fear of speed. Ecclesiophobia Fear of church. Pteronophobia Fear of being tickled by feathers. The thing is that dream was sort of true- my mom and dad split up a year ago and I remember them shouting and my dad crying and I was in my room really freaked out saying rally quietly Its just a dream. Is there a name to this condition? The list of phobias is an educational tool. Agateophobia Fear of insanity. Symptoms. People think I am kidding when I tell them, but it is 100% a real fear. Failure? I feel uncomfortable whenever i see an open door. Amicus means friend. The Red Scare was hysteria over the perceived threat posed by Communists in the U.S. during the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, which intensified in the late . Agliophobia Fear of pain. Phthisiophobia Fear of tuberculosis. It sucks ! Logizomechanophobia Fear of computers. Chiroptophobia Fear of bats. Since you have never had to deal with this, either go out on a limb and force the issue or work with someone who can help you work through this. Im completely frightened by self harm. I doubt you will ever be the type of person to intentionally go out to hurt someone, so that probably will never be an issue for you. Most phobia names are made up by using the Greek or Latin word and placing phobia behind it. I have not found a word for it yet. Feeling intense fear and anxiety when thinking about, looking at or being in high places. National Institute of Mental Health. Any famous people that have pyrophobia (fear of fire)? The celebrity is a person well known for his well-knownness. But which one do you think is the strangest?! What does this suggest? I suppose this could be related to clausterophobia, but I have a very hard times with rooms. Family, boyfriend, friends, co workers Feeling negativity from these people or feeling hated/ unwanted/ not needed by them. Monopathophobia Fear of definite disease. Touching wet towels that arent mine. Im not scared of razors but I can go numb and worse if Im getting hurt with it (not because of the pain but just the act). But it's not like a clown has ever hurt anyone. Is there a phobia for this: being terrified of being hurt emotionally, disliked, or displeased by your loved ones or the people you care about i.e. I trust the discomfort you experience feels very real to you. Elurophobia Fear of cats. Celebrities are adept at covering up their insecurities and fears. Frigophobia Fear of cold or cold things. Does anybody know if there is a phobia of being hypnotised or being in a coma? FURTHERMORE I AGREE WITH JESUS TEACHINGS AS ALL BLASPHAMISERS SHOULD BE CRUCIFIED. Many people feel repetitive behavior is like a phobia because there is a fear driving it, like in your example, something bad will happen. all the articles on this website are very much helpful to me. Also it there a fear of not using correct punctuation or spelling? On The Tonight Show, Sedgwick's husband Kevin Bacon revealed his wife's fear of talking food. Even if you had a name for it, you would say it and no one is going to know what it is unless you tell them. It is usually experienced by people who have had issues with the subject, like some people scared of rivers most likely have seen or heard about people drowning. Fear of not living your life to the fullest / not having a adventure in your life I cant bear telling my school, as I fear my teacher may mock me. Arithmophobia Fear of numbers. There may be a name for this, but personally I am not interested in labels, I am interested in the process holding these fear and hate in place. From . Is there a name for it, not that I am aware of. Sure, they associate with scary carny folk, and yes, they cloak their emotions with makeup that gives them the pallor of the undead. Hi. Or try to help me. Nomatophobia Fear of names. ever since I was little I couldnt touch it bare foot, just thinking about the feeling and texture makes me want to scream. As i was cleaning it and talking to my friend i suddenly felt disgusted that i didnt get rid of it soon. Social phobias, which are fears. Hello Maybe. This going to sound complicated but I have this weird phobia of not knowing whats around me, it could be in any situation, if I dont know what is behind me or in a space I cant see I get really scared the hair on my arms stand up and I feel like screaming. Many things have happened to me while out in such places, that I had developed agoraphobia. Is there a phobia for that? There are many things that could be happening, there is just not enough information in your message. As in there not being free will. Euphobia Fear of hearing good news. Neopharmaphobia Fear of new drugs.. It's kinda refreshing to know that even our favourite pop stars and celebrities are scared of things - just like us. Have you worked with a therapist or counselor of some sort to work through this fear or are you going to continue to be bothered by it? Sometimes the level of awareness is only as useful as our ability to deal with or process it. Wish I could offer something more hopeful, but acceptance of what you can control is sometimes the best answer to situations. . Regier DA, Kuhl EA, Kupfer DJ. Is there a phobia fo the feeling of always being watched? Batophobia Fear of heights or being close to high buildings. I saw there is a fear for not being able to catch things, but mine is the opposite. Arrhenphobia Fear of men. Anyone know the fear of opening up to people, or the fear of people who want to be close (emotionally) with you? I dont really know what happened but as long as I can have that nightmare Im always afraid for the possibilities that might one day it could be forever. Megalophobia Fear of large things. Rhabdophobia Fear of being severely punished or criticized. If this is really an issue, seek counseling. Maieusiophobia- Fear of childbirth. Homilophobia Fear of sermons. Meningitophobia Fear of brain disease. I have a fear of everything thats smaller than me and can move faster than me like bugs, reptiles, amphibians, some small mammals but not dogs and cats, Since our nervous systems can fear anything imagined, not everything will have a name, since people put their own unique spin on things. I have this rare fear/phobia of not having a water or any fluid to drink with me. Leprophobia or Lepraphobia Fear of leprosy.. Is this an phobia if so what is it called? Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Until that time you have little recourse. Coimetrophobia is the overwhelming fear of cemeteries and can bring on negative physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness and even a full-on panic attack. Phobophobia Fear of phobias. They may be easy to address or they may be more complex, cant tell with the info you have provided. Botanophobia is not to be mistaken with Boitanophobia, which is the understandable fear of being forced to watch competitive male figure skating. You want to talk to someone to see if it makes sense or if there are better alternatives to try first. This is the darkest, most embracing fear. Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween. I have a fear of whats behind doors, not the door itself. So yeah . Photoaugliaphobia Fear of glaring lights. This is more likely to be OCD, obsessive compulsive behavior, which has a whole lot of other attributes connected to it. Is there a name for it, dont know. Chaetophobia Fear of hair. Needless to say, he experienced great difficulty when shooting the scene with horses for his film Water for Elephants. Erin, that these picture bring up strong emotional responses in you that are not fear, euggests something else is going on. Is there a fear of being without someone you know in a public place? You see, there are all sorts of reasons people are not happy. There are thousands of phobia names and new ones are being made up all the time. Madonna is supposedly very scared of thunderstorms. For more information, please see our Being forced to watch the entirety of Barb Wire in a mirror's reflection. I dont like when my hands get wet. The mind is capable of associating fear to any object or idea, so in that case, yes it is true. Not sure you will find a name for this. Flags in general. I know a person that is terrified of blankets what should I do to tell them its ok. Well but the member of One Direction, Liam Payne is afraid of spoons, which is actually called Koutaliaphobia. 2017;8:1668. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01668, Spiegel SB. I am also very chauvinistic and have never thought of changing. She confessed that when she reads scripts, she keeps a cup of water by her side, so that she can dip her fingers in before turning the page. The condition is called trypophobia. Aphenphosmphobia Fear of being touched. Ombrophobia Fear of rain or of being rained on.. Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease. Thats when. Your fear is a generalization and from a very unique perspective. Also I CANNOT sleep near a door, open or closed, they scare me a lot. The fear of rejection. It is the fear of meeting new people, speaking in front of a group, or appearing in public. Even if I know the person loves me. Lists about phobias: the things we're scared of and why we are afraid of them. If you want to know if there is a specific name for this fear, there may be, but not one I am aware of. Peccatophobia Fear of sinning or imaginary crimes. when I notice my 5 year old daughter going up or down the stairs I will always tell her to hold on to the handrail and I will stop anything I was doing and listen to her going up the stairs. Current issues in the treatment of specific phobia: Recommendations for innovative applications of hypnosis. However for a Sidonglobophobic individual, this phobia can actually ruin one's life. A person with mysophobia might also be called a "germaphobe". I get grossed out and starts to panic when I touch my collarbone or feel my ribs. Is there a name? Bacon says she will leave the room if she sees any talking food on TV, especially those evil California Raisins. Is there a name for it? Phobia names are derived from their Greek or Latin name with phobia added on the end. Does anyone else here have that too? This may just be a one time situation. Pediophobia Fear of dolls. Will Smith, Carmen Electra, and Snoop Dogg are amongst the long lost of celebs who have openly admitted to the fear - acknowledging that they cannot swim. i believe i have it because my mom is really sweet and talks in a sweet voice and when i see women exactly her opposite it just scares me to death. It's difficult to say where this came from, but using his theories as a baseline the good money is on a traumatic childhood episode involving a fern and his penis. The awareness levels are much higher than your processing capability, then you can have issues Actually, both Emma Stone and Rita Ora have both been very open about their death anxiety. A growing number of people are reporting a fear of holes. Scarlett Johansson is also terrified of cockroaches and birds. I never talked about it and havent thought of it till I came on this site. I dont know if its a phobia or not. I complained to her that why would she eat something so gross. Since this seems to be impacting you pretty dramatically, I would suggest you speak with a health professional in your area. Sufferers of botanophobia can presumably only find respite in the desert or the arctic, at least until living space on the moon is widely available. It is understandable you want to put a name on it and you can, since most phobias are Greek or Latin words put in front of phobia. I believe what youre thinking about is misophonia not misophobia because misophobia is the fear of being contaminated by dirt or germs. If you are feeling uncomfortable to the point it is interfering with your day to day activities, then you have a problem, regardless of what it is called. Mythophobia Fear of myths or stories or false statements. This is not likely to go away on its own, so find someone to work with, is there a phobia for being loved or for people having a crush on you. Kristen, while there could be a phobia element in this, it sounds as if you are suffering from OCD. You may want to work with someone to deal with this, so you can feel comfortable sharing your perspectives. Nudophobia Fear of nudity. Myxophobia- Fear of slime. Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia Fear of glass. A fear of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps. Atelophobia- Fear of imperfection. Does this phobia have a Latin or Greek name did these cultures partake or know of tea drinking? Satanophobia Fear of Satan. These names themselves are often formed by taking a Greek prefix that represents the fear object and adding the -phobia suffix. Phagophobia Fear of swallowing or of eating or of being eaten. The Fear: Whoopie Goldberg wasn't always petrified of flying. like life is a simulation? If it gets worse or starts expanding past the bathtub, you may want to find someone to work with on this. Liam ' s One Direction bandmate Niall Horan apparently has a fear of pigeons when too many are flying overhead. The mechanism of fear can encompass any item, subject matter or idea. I cant find the name for the fear of being followed or stalked. Amathophobia Fear of dust. is there a fear of having something inside of you? Fear when people care about me . Sometimes fears are easy to overcome, sometimes they are more complex and if you are serious about helping yourself, you will take action instead of just worrying about it. A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving excessive and persistent fear of a situation or object. Whether there is a name for it, I could not tell you, I have a few phobias that wasnt mentioned like the fear of button it where you dont like to look,touch or be touched by buttons there is a name for it and it hard to pronounce and spell it another phobia is the fear of circles or a more correct way of saying that its a phobia of hordes or clusters of small circles for me it worse for me to see pictures of body parts with Photoshop of cluster of circles on the body parts this is called trypophobia the spelling might be bit off and the last one the fear of bones and it not that Im scared of bones it more to do with the touching and awareness of mine and other peoples bone to be more Pacific the ankles,knees,ribcage and spine one or some times two of those four will be worser than the other two like for me its my ribcage that is more worser for me than the other three. If I got motion sickness every time I traveled in a car, I wouldnt be looking forward to it either. A phobia is an irrational fear. People try talking me into dating but i always refuse. Salute bro!! If Katie Holmes succumbs to the phobia we'll have confirmation that he's the outbreak monkey for this particular brand of crazy. Carpooling &Ride Sharing: Are you doing it right? Not all phobias are created equally. Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? There are many dynamics that could be at play here. Other people do not need to know the extent of your fears. Like fear of chair then is also not a specific name for fear of tables. Unless you count John Wayne Gacy and his 31 brutal rapes and murders. If you have the fear, then there is such a fear. Melissophobia Fear of bees.. (Baddest of Them All)' on iTunes. Nancy, about some people having phobias and others not, it is a mental issue and is developed in the brain. (Amathophobia) [1] Similar phobias include erythrophobia, the fear of blushing, and an epileptic 's fear of being looked at, which may itself precipitate such an attack. I can watch Easley watch someone being hurts in movie, but every time someone hurts himself in petrified. Psellismophobia Fear of stuttering. You may be placing too much emphasis on how people perceive you, What do you call a phobia of not being in control? Being monstrously ugly isn't classically part of what causes this, but it probably doesn't help. Seplophobia Fear of decaying matter. If so please let me know. Fear of road sweepers ?? While you want to the best for him, you will want to work on changing the only thing you can change, yourself and how you hold your relationship with your son. It was ugly honestly, it was a patch of dry corn on the cob and The rest was fine and i was sop disgusted thatI was debating getting it away from me and in the trash but then I gave it to my mom and she ate it without ease. I have a hard time at talking to people and asking people places. Whoopi Goldberg treated for fear of flying using TFT on The View, part 1. I have a fear of touching and feeling my own bones. Verbophobia- Fear of words. Yes, though it may be more paranoia then a phobia, Im enquiring as to what a fear of going to the bar is called. Whether there is a name for this or not does not mean that the fear is not real for you. Olfactophobia Fear of smells. Shame on you. Is this a common fear, no. ), Add imparnumerophobia: the fera of odd numbers. Scopophobia, scoptophobia, or ophthalmophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by a morbid fear of being seen in public or stared at by others. This sometimes feels like internal chaos and you spend a lot of time in your thoughts and emotions. So it all depends on how you categorize humanity. Snakephobia Fear of snakes. 3. Disposophobia Fear of throwing stuff out. This phobia can be extended to viewing videos of oneself as well. Some people may think that Im weird because I always carry a bottle of water with me even though Im just going somewhere near. I do not know what the phobia name for this is. We guess the key there is that she said she was afraid of being in a pool "alone" so apparently Ricci figures she can get out of the pool and let her friends succumb to the domesticated house shark instead. Low self esteem or self worth may be part of the issue, Okay this is driving me nuts. Or the fear of having too many emotions or the fear of thinking to much about emotions because I think about a problem and then suddenly Im questioning and overthinking the problem and feeling different emotions towards that problem but then towards a different problem, its a sad situation but I dont feel sad or how Im supposed to and my emotions are messed up and I done get it but then I fear feeling completely emotionless because I feel like I will hurt peoples feelings because I dont feel the way I should and they would be like my dog just died! And Im like oh Im so sorry but then I feel awkward because I dont feel sad or how Im supposed to in a situation like that and then they r all like my dog died and you feel fine or happy????!! Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Odontophobia Fear of teeth or dental surgery. I always found mold a bit gross but I did not want to think my room had mold in it and my sister joked about it that it was mold. What Is Cleithrophobia (Fear of Being Trapped)? Whether this is a phobia or a self esteem issue or something else is something you would want to work on with a specialist. If she does think this is a problem, then I would get her to see a counselor. Hope that helps. is there a fear of not being able to see? Find out if you share a phobia with any of these celebs. The bottom line is we are all in the same boat, no matter who we are. Everything that looks like any type of net. I was really hoping to find real information about phobias like why do some people have them and others dont? Sounds like there may be some relationship issues involved here. I have a fear of sitting with my back to the door. Its the fear of being uncertain of what is nearby, like when you are in a pool of water and the water is too dark to see below you, or when you are in mist or general darkness and are unable to see farther than a few feet ahead. Doxophobia Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving praise. "I'm a bit of a wimp usually, but because my boyfriend paid for it, I felt that I had to try to be a cool girlfriend and go on everything so I just had to." I never learned how to say, Oops, I didnt know that! Its amazing how crippling it is. Actually, chiclephobia seems more focused on the fact that used chewing gum is really, really gross, a resilient vector of diseases carried in the mouth. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. You can avoid discomfort by tricks, distraction and avoidance only for so long before the anxieties and obsessions no longer respond to your actions. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Ergasiophobia 1) Fear of work or functioning. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Obesophobia Fear of gaining weight. Chorophobia Fear of dancing. I do not have a sub-fear such as chocking or peanut butter sticking to the roof of my mouth. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy utilizes rhythmic eye movements to help people process and recover from traumatic experiences. Agateophobia- Fear of insanity. Drinking out of glass, cup or bottle the thought of the glass touching my lips makes my skin crawl.
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what is the fear of celebrities called