Tobacco Varieties Used: Burley, Cavendish, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia Flake Cut - Brown Sugar Flake is a Samuel Gawith/Danish Pipe Shop collaboration, the goal of which was to create a fuller-bodied ode to the old Orlik Brown Sliced. I picture a lone arthritic old man who should have retired twenty years ago doing his best to meet his onerous quotas, slicing as quick as he can on his clunky Victorian machine in some Dickensian stone cellar. It brings about memories of fall leaves and pulling out what you thought was a blow pop from your week old candy bag, wondering to yourself, "How did I miss this?" Notes: I smoked this in a number of pipes, including a corncob, but I ultimately found it best in my Lakeland-dedicated Ashton, size 2. If you like deep, earthy smokes then you'll really like this (and 1792). Company No. Temporarily out of stock. Bracken Flake contains no noticeable tonquin. It is earthy, a little sweet and slightly spicy. My favorite of the SG line. Bracken Flake is almost black. Taste: The scent of of the tobacco is that of an autumn forest; wet earth and moss, decaying leaves and a pine-like odour from the topping. It is dark brown, sort of stringy and moist. The company originated in 1792 with Thomas Harrison, who was a notable and popular maker of snuff tobacco. Some Virginia sweetness, but this is a background sensation. It's fantastic and that means more for me. This is a mild smoke with no bite. Strength is medium, and some of the fruit pouch note comes through in the smoke. 20.29. I'm finding that these Lakeland flakes have their own unique appeal. I rubbed out a goodly amount on paper and let it dry for about 30 minutes. Samuel Gawith Cabbies Roll Cut Mixture Pipe Tobacco 250g Bag. At initial fire this tobacco crowns up more than anything I've seen but it tamps down easily at second light.If you don't break it up too much in rubbing out it is a very slow, smoldering smoke. With the blend being Sam Gawith they're too wet of course, but in all fairness not the worst I've had from them. First: tin aroma and first puffs smells like "horse shit" (seriously). Too strong..made me gagand I gave this stuff many chances in the last 2 years. The only problem that I forsee is trying to find a reliable supply in the future. After lighting up, I noticed a slightly sweet cigar taste and aroma. That is not to say that it will bite, I've never experienced tongue-bite with this blend. Its still tastes the same but now I can appreciate the dark earthy air cured and dark fired tobaccos more. Cut: Flake. A full strength, full flavored pipe tobacco. Bracken Flake has quickly become one of my primary go-to flakes and entered a place in my top-ten desert island choices. I don't think this was due to nicotine since I've had some powerhouses in the past (pipe and cigs). Smokes very cool and as long as one hour in the smallest group 1 bowl which is pretty enough to satisfy the smoker. I promised my wife I'd quit before she got home from work and I don't want to expose her to it being pregnant and all. Now where did I put the sand paper for my tongue??? Sam Gawith tobaccos, no longer vacuum sealed? My only complaint with this blend is that it can get bitey on the finish in the summer. There's a hint of fruit, like cherry liqueur, and just a hint of fire, with woody, rotting leaves in the background. I'd enjoy it more if I were smoking SHELLAC! One of my tins had what looked like in the sunlight sugar crystals. The sweet scent (be it dark cherry or whatever; certainly no strong "bean" flavors here) is just slight to make the dark toasted leaf smoke sweet. Gawith actively services such importers in about 20 countries. Email address. The flakes vary from very thick to fairly thin, which seems to be normal for SG flakes, especially in bulk. You still get some of that spiciness underneath that 1792 offers, particularly near the bottom of the bowl. This my first SG tobacco but not my first flake. The nicotine is just too much. Hic cups may follow if smoked in a large bowl. Appearance: Small flake, with some broken, and some whole. Overall this is one odd blend. If you've never had it, it tastes exactly like the tin aroma on the finish. I thought this was an excellent tobacco and I'll certainly be smoking it again. Appearance: Dark brown to black with brownish streaks, a moderately densely pressed 6" flake, topping is evident. The tin obviously had some age already, with some nice sugar crystals. It starts out very spicy, and stays that way throughout the bowl, albeit the second half mellows somewhat. The nicotine level is high, with a back-of-the-mouth sensation again like a good cigar. Comparisons to 1792 are apt, it's in the same vein. Due to our close relationship and cooperation with Samuel Gawith we are composing an exclusive line of blends for our shop. Home Stretch: As end of the bowl approaches, I find that it becomes more intense though never overpoweringly so. Join over 18k members to reviewexclusive content. Once in a while they get some Dan Tobacco or CAO tins, but that's about it unless you actually have them order it for you which is still hit or miss as to whether or not they actually will. However smokeless products, cigarettes and rolling tobacco has to be hidden away. (Don't microwave it, since that seems to compromise the fragile oils and alter the flavor characteristics.) But once it's going you get a very rich, creamy, strong and honest smoke. The nicotine hit is very intense. Really nice blend. Ho-hum. Appearance: A mostly black with some brown and tan mottling leathery flake of varying thickness. The tin aroma has mellowed, but so too have the Virginias when you actually smoke the stuff. It burns to ash and crumbs, every puff is delicious, and sometimes the topping will reappear at the end, as if waving goodbye. A medium bodied-smoke that is easy to enjoy all day. The only reason not to give this a = rating is I still have a supply of Condor and Walnut Flake. A nuisance! That is not a bad thing. This is still a high quality tobacco that will be suited to full flavor smokers. Deep and resonant forest, leather and cigar tones emerge from the heart of this blend. Is "wierd" too subjective? But keeping it lit is another story. The soapy, floral tonquin topping is very noticeable without drowning out the tobaccos, and I think perhaps just a little fruit may have been added as well. I recommend a try, it is a very pleasant smoke. The man who gave me this deserves a good SMACK! ), it sometimes gets harsh, though this may be due to lack of technique. Out of stock Add to Wishlist Name-Brand Favorites Brown Number 4 Finest Kendal Twist $ 14.85 - $ 47.88 Select options Sale ! Dear Goodness boys, how can you ever like this stuff? By mid-bowl the fragrant topping is pretty well gone and the Kentucky leaf is coming into its own. A dark colored flake with a tin aroma akin to Copenhagen dip. I just got out of church, where I sing in the choir. Cool smoke, rich flavor, lovely mildness. Grousemoor seems like a beginner tobacco compared to this tobacco. Some have criticized the look of the flake, uneven, thick/thin torn. I rubbed out the flakes. It is very much like Gawith & Hoggarth's Dark Flake, with some sort of essence added. Altogether it is a pleasant presence. Samuel Gawith has been producing world famous pipe tobacco for over 200 years, which are full of strength and mellow flavours. Sorry, persons under the age of 18 cannot use this site. This is not like the Lakeland toppings that I would describe as perfumed but more of a singular rose note more in line with what I get from Condor and St. Bruno. I want to enjoy a pipe of tobacco but the nico being that concentrated and the taste of a burnt manure, this is still not for me. I'm down to one opened and one un-opined tin of baccy. As comparisons to 1792 Flake are inevitable, here is mine: I smoked pipes of 1792 and Bracken back to back. *Note these are not pressure sealed they have a heat seal band on them from Samuel Gawith* Related products. Samuel Gawith: Brown No. At this point I was about ready to trade it off, but decided to give it one more try in a couple of days. Smells like a porta-potty caught fire and burned straight to the ground. Samuel Gawith Perfection Mixture Pipe Tobacco. This is a very dark, almost black, flake with a pronounced fragrance. For the newcomer this blend will be a bit more work to prepare properly and will challenge those who seek milder blends. As I went through the tin the darker flavors receded leaving a creamy toasty flavor and more prominence to the topping, whatever it is. Free shipping! For the pipe smoker who seeks a satisfying smoke, then experience Bracken Flake, with its unique and alluring aroma, brought about by the application of a long-used essence. I worry about their mental and physical well-being. The taste & strength is reminiscent of PIF on the first light, with a cigar-like tobacco flavour. Join our email list to receive product updates, discounts & more! This tobacco is 5-year aged, so its appearance is dark with shiny specks in it, in a full flake form. Is there a tobacconist anywhere within the CONUS that has tins of S. Gawith in-stock? I got loopy halfway through, and just could not take any more. But the smoke is far more understated, so don't be put off. This probably be another fun from pipe tobacco, to mix your own! Not an all day smoke, but depending on your proclivity for this type of product, you can easily repeat it - more so than many others with this type of strength. To me Ouzo and leather seems like the best way to describe it. While I haven't completely given up on Bracken Flake, I hesitate to recommend it to Virginia tobacco lovers. I wish I had known this beforehand so I could have stocked up on it! It is peppery and leathery, with an underlying sweetness. It can get bitter in the last 3rd and I don't usually get good DGT results with this blend. Its mouthfeel reminds me of smoking a cigar. Weekends - 6 to 8 pipes per day. It simply isn't my cup of tea. There is a definite layer of sweetness which seems like virginias working, but also a dryer, "smokier" effect, ala latakia. For me, seems to gurgle a bit. On first opening your pouch or tin, it smells like chocolate with a little bit of soap in it. It's just too good. It doesn't make my regular rotation due to its mono-dimensionality but it's a good smoke and one that should be tried by the smoker that is put off by 1792 but likes the richness. This page may contain sensitive or adult content that's not for everyone. I will buy more of this as soon as I can. Once lit this translates well in to the taste, a deep earthy taste with prominent strokes of wet leather and a pepperish tingle on the tongue. Frankly, the "soapy" taste leaves me cold. As a regular V Flake smoker with occasional touch on English mix, my first try on this Flake was really harsh, I thought id never finish this 50g. A high quality flake for the seasoned piper, recommended. If you find a tin around, buy it and try it. As a traditional blend type this is an excellent choice that any Enthusiast should try. I had no problem with it funking my pipe though, or leaving any goop in the bottom of the bowl. The first time i smoked it i was able to make a side by side comparison with Solani: Black and White, not because i consider them related, but simply because my dad happened to be smoking it then. I found it rich, full, and thick in flavor -- certainly having dark tones but also a sweetness to round it out some more. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength Flavoring Taste Room Note; FrozenChurchwarden (6) 2014-04-13: Mild to Medium: . Virginia tobaccos with a small amount of Latakia pressed in flakes that are thick and stunning to look at. The nicotine is very potent in this tobacco so be careful if you are smoking it first thing in the morning. It really does not taste as it smells in the tin- a good situation. Since I can not get my Gawiths Chocolate Flake any more a good substitute but will try others before my final descision as to whether I continue. Flakes break up fairly easily, but unevenly. I broke it up into little pieces and although it was tolerable, I still didn't get a sense of rich flavorful tobac. That being the case, I can not help but add my, hopefully objective, 2 cents Bracken flake and 1792 (which I really enjoy) have very little in common. Also the flakes were a little difficult to rub out. It's a pity that SG don't produce this good, strong, old-fashioned mix anymore. small smokey base for the virginia to start from. I stocked some tins of this rare weed to smoke in the mornings, when I smoke my strongest tobaccos. I have read from other reviews due to the lack of selected tobacco or due to the scarcity of the essence used. Being available in affordable bulk increases my excitement over my discovery of this product. This is REAL tobacco!! SOLD OUT !!! of STC Holdings LLC. It is, to me at least, the perfect dark flake. Many people compare this to 1792. It smokes like it has some perique, but none is noted anywhere. So, I snapped some up, and here's how I find it: Removal of the lid reveals some thin, almost black flakes. My favourite being BBF I went for something that had "cocoa-chocolate", a bit stronger than BestBrown. When ready to load my third bowl, I had an epiphany (soft of like gas but not the same) - maybe the guys I read about that open tobacco and let it dry know something I don't. You're a better man than me Gunga Din! This is a delightful flake, which rather rapidly dispels myths of ?English Soap?. A big thanks to StevieB for sending me this in a trade. The room note is a little like shoe polish aroma so you won't win any fans when smoking it but it is a good smoke and can be smoked outdoors. The tin aroma is muddy and unpleasant but the smoke is rich, full and satisfying. Too start from the beginning, it is, like all Gawith flakes, of very nice high quality tobacco. An idea came up to mix these two to get a balanced taste and more complexity, it works well, and more interesting when change the portion of Bracken. This isn't much like Cob Plug, with that almost cloying aroma of tonquin, but more of a polite introduction to it. The ingredients declared are no more than Kentucky, dark-fired Virginias and a mystery "long-used" essence. It's mellow & smooth all the way to the bottom of the bowl. 2023 BnB Enterprise 44621 Guilford Drive Suite 130 Ashburn, VA 20147 1-888-883-5596. Very moist out of the tin, you may prefer a little dry time, although I did not do that. The image was not pleasant, but I perservered. This is a perfect walking tobacco and one that is certainly moving onto my rotation. However, for the discerning palette of experienced pipesters, especially those with a penchant for dark flakes, I unhesitatingly give it my highest recommendation. 934 Queen Street W, Toronto, ON M6J 1G6. A buddy of mine said it tasted like good tobacco and the best tasting shoe he had ever smoked. The history of tobacco in Kendal starts here, with Thomas Harrison bringing from Scotland not only the secrets of snuff manufacture, but 50 odd ton of second hand equipment all by horseback back in 1792. I couldn't say for sure what's in that topping, but it taste great and that's what really counts. I was just happy that the soapy taste was totally absent from this Lakeland. Similar Blends: Samuel Gawith 1792 and Lakeland Dark. A lot of people say this is just 1792 with a different topping but I strongly disagree. Not the typical hay/grass Virginia smell at all, but not Lakeland soap either. This is a very good smoke. I did get a bit of tongue bite from it. By mid-bowl the sourness has increased and also the alkaloid taste of the Dark Fired Kentucky.The fruitiness/muskiness of the tonquin topping moves to the background. Pipe Used: Rattray's Bulldog, St. Regis Prince, Age When Smoked: 6 years, 10 years (2011). This blend is composed by very high quality tobaccos, and so i highly recomended it. I might just throw the pipe I smoked this in, into the fire place. She sets at my feet and chews her bone. "They Don't Make 'Em Like That Anymore". This is a very full flavor english blend. To be fair, the flavoring isn't in your face and eventually dissipates for the most part which allows me to enjoy the flavor of the tobacco itself at certain points of smoking this. There's an added essence to it, to be sure, but it's so perfectly integrated with its dark tonality its hard to discern. Thus I feel confident in stating with a degree of certainty that the width of the flakes has a decisive effect on the flavor of this blend: the thinner the flakes, the more the unique essence of Bracken comes through; thicker flakes are more difficult to smoke, and are not as flavorful. After a suitable drying, it breaks and packs well enough, staining my fingers with greasy goodness. This damn flake makes me nauseated just as 1792 does. Samuel Gawith has been producing world famous pipe tobacco for over 200 years, which are full of strength and mellow flavours. It also has a trange flaovring. A first light is brings billows of rich white smoke, followed with a brief visit of the tamper and then a tamping light. However, I do not like Bracken Flake. Bracken Flake has to be one of the slowest burning blends I've piped, it seems endless! Some rubbing-out may enhance the experience. I like Peterson's Irish Flake; that one's pretty strong. My first pipe did not go well as I did not let it dry at all and tried folding it into my bowl. About the Reviewer: Primarily a cigarette smoker until switching totally to pipes in 2006. It doesn't have as much topping as 1792 or Cob Plug, but has a similar flavor profile, just toned down. The sweetness and topping/casing never fully leave, yet their initial flavors have matured and ripened into a fascinating mixture of stewed fruits and rich adult pleasures. Maintains its flavor rather uniformly through the middle of the bowl. Duck and cover, this Swamp Thing is on the ATTACK! Pretty good tobacco once it dries enough to accept flame. I can only recommend it to people looking for strong experiences with their pipes. Fex puffs and down to the ashtray. Quick Specs View. But certainly SG's dark entries are winners too, in the # 1 and 2 categories IMO. Qty in Cart: 0 . It takes some sitting down and really focusing on it, as this dark blend simply won't let the smoker off the hook until it is finished. Much like it's brother 1792 it is strong but not as bold. This is an encouraging thing to me as Condor is not available in the USA anymore. This puts it just ahead of the Peterson University flake. I did not expect to like it, but was pleasantly surprised. 3 stars from me. Nicotine is about a 8 out of 10 for me. This is a weird one when I opened the tin, the first thought that came to my mind was soap. I will venture a guess that the name, Bracken Flake, comes from Bracken Co., Kentucky, USA, the birthplace of White Burley and still the home of all things Burley tobacco. If I had to guess I would say the base tobaccos are the same, but the topping is very different. I'm curious as to what flavors other reviewers detect. BF burns down to a fuffy white ash and leaves no dottle to speak of. Categories: Samuel Gawith, Tobacco Tins. To me, this is proof of handmade artisanal products. Good quality Virginias, Packs and burns well, this tobacco realy does make you smoke it slowly, an excellent disciplinarian, it basically comes down to whether or not you like the taste of the essence used, unfortunately for me, I do not. I will say however that this weed is not quite as unforgiving as 1792, nor as rich. Rubs very easy, lites up easy and produces lots of smoke. Once the Virginias kick in, this stuff becomes pretty delicious. Samuel Gawith once again show how an ostensibly simple base blend can be made so much more than the sum of its parts. I can't quite put my finger on it, but, I swear I detect a hintI mean HINT, of black cherry. Liquorice? To me it does taste a bit like 1792, just slightly less strong and without the tonquin flavoring. I have been gifted with all the SG blends (minus perhaps FireD flake, good quality bacci, just not to my taste) this one doesn't let you down..gotta try, Update: as I slow sip'ed my last Bracken Flake this AM, it seduced me BIG-TIME, just placed an order for a pnd of this wonderful weedsuggest you snag a few tins before it goes MIA again.
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