john 5:39 explanation

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. John Chapter 5 Bible Study Questions (Handout) JOHN 5:1-2 1 After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Thus the Holy Ghost, given by the Son in humiliation (according to God, not acting on law, but according to the gift of grace in the gospel), was fully set forth; but the woman, though interested, and asking, only apprehended a boon for this life to save herself trouble here below. (VersesJohn 7:33-36; John 7:33-36) Jesus was returning to Him that sent Him, and the Holy Ghost would be given. For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: that all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. Except one were born of water and of the Spirit, he could not enter the kingdom of God. "But He said to them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of." Thus, in His person, as well as in His work, they joined issue. Truth and grace were not sought nor found in man, but began to subsist here below by Jesus Christ. The family later hosted a dinner for the honored . The Jews, with all their privileges, were strangers here. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. This gives occasion to Jesus to teach us the lesson that conscience must be reached, and sense of sin produced, before grace is understood and brings forth fruit. Under all changes, outwardly, He abode as from eternity the only-begotten Son in the bosom of the Father. "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." Expressly had He told the man to take up his couch and walk, as well as to rise. (John 2:1-25) The change of water into wine manifested His glory as the beginning of signs; and He gave another in this early purging of the temple of Jerusalem. Yet some, by reason of the unsettled state of their wills, make slower progress in purification than . All is in the character of the Son of man. John 5:26. Chapter 5. He had no need that any should testify of man, for He knew what was in man. There was sentence of death pronounced on their system, and they felt accordingly. The man went off, and told the Jews that it was Jesus: and for this they persecuted Him, because He had done these things on the sabbath. Here there could not be more, and He would not give less: even "grace upon grace." Includes commnetary, questions, outline, and applications on John chapter 5:19-47 encouraging life change. I. John 1:20-25) John does not even speak of Him as one who, on His rejection as Messiah, would step into a larger glory. JOHN 5 COMMENTARY. he might be; and this, too, as the expression of the true and full grace of God in His only-begotten Son given. The Lord Jesus did, without question, take humanity in His person into that glory which He so well knew as the Son of the Father. And he answered, No. John 4:39-45 Jesus' time with the Samaritans. For as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Such shall live. The dreadful truth comes out: the Lord did not trust Himself to them, because He knew all men. The refusal of His precious blood will, on the contrary, make their case incomparably worse than that of the heathen who never heard the good news. John 5:24 . It was not so. (Verses John 7:3-5) The Lord intimates the impossibility of anticipating the time of God; but then He does it as connected with His own personal glory. But here it was not God's purpose to record it. John 8:31-James : . He acts as such. But here these streams of the Spirit are substituted for the feast of tabernacles, which cannot be accomplished till Christ come from heaven and show Himself to the world; for this time was not yet come. The chapter pursues this subject, showing that it is not only God who thus deals first, with the necessity of man before His own immutable nature; next, blessing according to the riches of His grace but, further, that man's state morally is detected yet more awfully in presence of such grace as well as holiness in Christ. Using the Bible to impress others rather than to grow in humility and love for God will keep you from faith in Christ (5:39-42). Accordingly, if the law raised the question of righteousness in man, the cross of the Lord Jesus, typifying Him made sin, is the answer; and there has all been settled to the glory of God, the Lord Jesus having suffered all the inevitable consequences. (John 5:39) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have Bible sermons, Evidence that Jesus Christ is God, John 5:36-40. What can be more evident, or more instructive? His Unity with the Father. God the Father forms a new family in, by, and for Christ. Glory would be displayed in its day. None but a divine being could thus deal with the world. It is the final setting aside of Judaism then, whose characteristic hope was the display of power and rest in the world. Did the dead (for so men are treated, not as alive under law) did they hear the voice of the Son of God? The question whether the mood is imperative or indicative, whether we have here a commandment to examine the writings of the Old Testament canon, or a reference to their habit of doing so, is one which has been discussed through the whole history of New Testament exposition, and one on which the opinion of those best qualified to . Mark what, as such, He does declare Him. Jesus urged them to search those Scriptures with more diligence and attention. This is all perfectly true, of course; and we have it elsewhere. Neither does the Spirit say exactly as the English Bible says "sons," but children. Why should He not show Himself to the world? Nay, therefore it was they, reasoning, denied Him to be God. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. The ignorance of the world has been proved, the rejection of Israel is complete: then only is it that we hear of this new place of children. (John 12:48). John 1:29-34) How rich it is, and how marvellously in keeping with our gospel! These two are interwoven, because what he taught explained what he did, and what he did confirmed what he taught. John 5:39New International Version. "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." John 5:39(NASB) Verse Thoughts. Thus in one way or the other all must honour the Son. So bright was His glory, so concerned was the Father in maintaining it, so immense the blessing if received, so tremendous the stake involved in its loss, that God vouchsafed the amplest and clearest witnesses. And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." The Lord Jesus presents Himself as putting an end to all this now for the Christian, though, of course, every word God has promised, as well as threatened, remains to be accomplished in Israel by-and-by; for Scripture cannot be broken; and what the mouth of the Lord has said awaits its fulfilment in its due sphere and season. And in this He is sovereign. (Ver. John 1:11-12; John 1:11-12) It was not a question now of Jehovah and His servants. Amen. John gives us this point of contact with them, though in an incident peculiar to himself. This last is the figure of a truth deeper than incarnation, and clearly means communion with His death. Matthew, Mark, and Luke start, as far as regards the public labours of the Lord, with John cast into prison. Luke 5 - Disciples Are Called A. Accordingly, we have in this chapter a miracle and a sermon. The Present Hour. Click on the Arabic text to below to see word by word details of the verse's morphology. See John 5:38-40 (printed below), note, especially, verse 38. Read full chapter. Man is morally judged. (Verses John 4:20-30), The disciples marvelled that He spoke with the woman. It is not denunciation, but the most solemn sentence in the calmest manner. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment; but is passed from death unto life. All this, however, was abstract, whether as to the nature of the Word or as to the place of the Christian. He will have all honour the Son, even as Himself. The contrasts are as strong, at least, as the resemblance with the healing of the centurion's servant in Matthew 13:1-58 and Luke 7:1-50, which some ancients and moderns have confounded with this, as they did Mary's anointing of Jesus with the sinful woman's in Luke 7:1-50. This testimony differs from the rest in having a more permanent character. His earthly rights are just where they should be; but not here, where the only-begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father has His appropriate place. The judgment, all of it, whether for quick or dead, is consigned to Him, because He is Son of man. But He, being God, was manifesting and, on the contrary, maintaining the divine glory here below. Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, but withal, as he had said, the eternal One, yet in view of His manifestation to Israel (and, therefore, John was come baptizing with water a reason here given, but not to the Pharisees in verses 25-27). You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me. On this basisJohn 7:1-53; John 7:1-53 proceeds. . Observe, it is not (as is often very erroneously said or sung) a question of sins, but of the "sin" of the world. John 5:39 (KJV) - Forerunner Commentary. But what we learn is, that our Lord (viewed as having entered into heaven as man on the ground of redemption, i.e., ascended, after having passed through death, into glory) from that glory confers meanwhile the Holy Ghost on him that believes, instead of bringing in at once the final feast of gladness for the Jews and the world, as He will do by-and-by when the anti-typical harvest and vintage has been fulfilled. The allusion to the fig-tree confirms this. Thus it is not the Spirit of God simply giving a new nature; neither is it the Holy Ghost given as the power of worship and communion with His God and Father. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. (SeePsalms 2:1-12; Psalms 2:1-12) But the Lord tells him of greater things he, should see, and says to him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, henceforth (not "hereafter," but henceforth) ye shall see the heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of man. FOR SALE! Nor would the rejected Christ, the Son of man; for if lifted up on the cross, instead of having the throne of David, the result would be not merely earthly blessing for His people according to prophecy, but eternal life for the believer, whoever. Now they testify about me; (40) but you will not come to me so that you may receive life. Thus it is not only the person of our Lord viewed as divine, and coming down into the world. John 1:19-37; John 1:19-37) It is here presented historically. by . John 4:27-38 The Harvest is Ready. John 7:25-31) He is going where they cannot come, and never guessed (for unbelief thinks of the dispersed among the Greeks of anything rather than of God). "John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This is he of whom I spake: He that cometh after me is preferred before me, for he was before me." This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and 115718567810 Christ did not wait till the time was fully come for the old things to pass away, and all to be made new. Now, it is the Holy Ghost in the power that gives rivers of living water flowing out, and this bound up with, and consequent on, His being man in glory. The looking for signs and wonders is rebuked; but mortality is arrested. But how precious the grace, in presence of their hatred and proud self-complacency! 4 5 One man was there who had been an . Verse (39:53) - English Translation. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, Read full chapter. John 7:37) It is not a question of eating the bread of God, or, when Christ died, of eating His flesh and drinking His blood. He was God. Hence it is that here the Son, according to the grace of God the Father, gives the Holy Ghost eternal life in the power of the Spirit. "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." By and by He will apply it to "that nation," the Jews, as to others also, and finally (always excepting the unbelieving and evil) to the entire system, the world. After this we have, suitably to this gospel, John's connection with the Lord Jesus.

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john 5:39 explanation